Dates are one of the fruits that provide the body with vitamins A, B, C, E along with minerals including phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium.
Dates are effective to prevent high blood pressure and anemia to some extent and have antioxidant effects and neutralize stomach acid.
Regulating blood coagulation, improving intestinal problems, reducing anxiety and anger, and creating relaxation during pregnancy are other properties of date consumption. Some studies have shown that dates are effective in preventing high blood pressure. According to the report of the Sedasima news agency, Isfahan Institute for Primary Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases said: Dates are effective in preventing high blood pressure and anemia, which neutralizes the antioxidant effects of stomach acid. Dr. Klishadi added: Dates have nutritional properties that are Having vitamins A, B, C, E along with mineral salts including phosphorus, calcium, iron and magnesium helps to strengthen the body’s immunity against infectious and non-infectious diseases.