the risk of heart attack. “Isoflavone” present in dates also reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Note: If your blood concentration is high, be careful when consuming dates. This is because the amount of iron in this fruit is high and increases blood concentration.
You don’t get fat
Dates regulate blood cholesterol levels. On the other hand, it makes the body resistant to “oxidative stress”, i.e. the destructive effect left over from food decomposition; Therefore, the risk of many types of cancer is reduced. These features are present in healthy people and in people with high cholesterol.
It flows smoothly
High blood pressure is another disease that consumption of dates can help regulate. The main reason is the high potassium content of dates. Each date contains about 160 mg of potassium. Of course, the amount of potassium is different in different types of dates; But its types contain a good amount of potassium. This element strengthens the muscles of the heart and veins and improves their function, thereby controlling blood pressure.